Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Data Driven Entities and Rapid Iteration

It is clearly more difficult to develop content for an online game than a single player game. (For one, sometime entities you want to interact with aren't in your process). So starting with the right techniques and philosophies is critical. Then you need to add tools, a little magic and shake.

There are several hard problems you hit when developing and debugging an online game:
  • Getting the game to fail at all. A lot of times bugs are timing related. Of course, once you ship it, to players it will seem like it happens all the time.
  • Getting the same failure to happen twice is really hard. E.g. if the problem is caused by multiplayer interaction, how are you going to get all players or testers to redo exactly the same thing? And in the spirit of Hiesenbugs, if you attach a debugger or add logging, good luck getting it to fail under those new conditions
  • Testing a fix is really hard, because you want to get the big distributed system back into the original state and test your fix. Did you happen to snapshot that state?
  • Starting up a game can take a long time (content loading). Starting an online game takes even longer because it also includes deployment to multiple machines, remote restarting, loading some entities from a DB, logging in, ...
  • If you are a novice content developer plagued by such a bug or a guy in QA trying to create repro steps to go along with the bug report, it will probably end badly.
Consequently, what do you need to do to make things palatable?
  • Don't recompile your application after a "change". Doing that leads (on multiple machines) to shutdown, deploy, restart, "rewind" to the failure point. You'd like to have edit and continue of some sort. To do that, almost certainly you'd need a scripted language (or at least one that does just in time compilation, and understands edit and continue).
  • Don't even restart your application. Even if you can avoid recompilation, it can take a loooong time to load up all the game assets. Especially early in production, your pipeline may not support optimized assets (e.g. packed files). For a persistent world, there can be an awful lot of entities stored in the database to load and recreate. Especially if you are working against a live or a snapshot of a live shard. At the very least, only load the assets you need.
  • Yes, I'm talking about rapid iteration and hot loading. When you can limit most changes to data, there is no reason you can't leave everything running, and just load the assets that changed. In some cases when things change enough you might have to "reset" by clearing all assets from memory and reloading, but at least you didn't have to restart the server
  • Rapid iteration is particularly fun on consoles, which often have painfully long deployment steps. Bear in mind that you don't have an editor in-game on a console, it is too clumsy. So the content you see in your editor on your workstation is just a "preview". You would swivel-chair to the console to see what it really looks like on-target.
  • Try to make "everything" data driven. For example, you can specify the properties and behaviors of your entities in a tool and use a "bag of properties" kind of Entity in most cases. After things have settled down, you can optimize the most used ones, but during content development, there is a huge win to making things data-driven. Of course, there is nothing stopping you from doing both at once.
  • Another benefit of a data-driven definition of an Entity is that it is so much easier to extract information needed to automatically create a database schema. Wouldn't you rather build a tool to do this than to teach your content developers how to write SQL?
Don't forget that most of the time and money in game development pours through the content editor GUIs. The more efficient you can make that, the more great content will appear. If you want to hire the best content developers, make your content development environment better than anyone else's.

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